This summer I'm still working at the lab and I'm commuting the 30 minutes(no traffic) to the city every morning. To avoid the traffic debacle, I leave at around 6:20am because if I leave that early, it's a 30-minute drive. Otherwise it turns into around an hour long drive that sucks up my lovely gas. This summer I'll be working on my own project (woohoo again) and the first week was stressful just because it's a totally different dynamic working on my own. There were points where I walk away from one thing and then totally forget about it or realize I had more to do than I had thought and just driving me crazy. One morning, every alarm and its mother thought that it would be a great idea to harass me and beep and be annoying and just AHHHH!

I also got this amazing water bottle. The only problem I have with it is explained by the meme below.
I also feel as though it's important to mention that despite a few mistakes (like using ladder instead of loading dye in my samples), the war on rebellious gels is going well. I haven't had a leaky gel in well over 2 months and it's not because I'm not making gels. I'm totally making gels they're just the well behaved gels that all people who run westerns aspire to raise. I'm so proud to say that most of my gels fit into society and do their job well. Good job guys. We've won.
The post felt kind of wrong without a third picture so I'll throw this in here. This was from a time my grad student discovered the debit card-taking soda machine. It's also a great time to show-case the table that we now have outside the lab for our drinks and food and drugs. Not drugs. We don't do drugs.
To end this post, I have to say that things are going as well as they could be. Haven't set anything on fire (yet), doing good science, and learning (the usual).
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